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Why choose Eco Sun Power?

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Tom Van Gastel

Tom Van Gastel

Managing Director, Eco Sun Power

Who is Eco Sun Power?

At Eco Sun Power, we understand the power of the sun

At Eco Sun Power, we understand the power of the sun and strive to turn this power into green energy for a more sustainable future. With a team of passionate experts in construction, solar and industry, we combine our in-depth knowledge to create exceptional solar panel installations that meet Spain’s unique needs.

Solar panel installation

Our team of highly qualified professionals provide seamless and efficient solar panel installations at your residential or commercial site. We offer customized solutions that exceed your energy needs

Energy advice

We understand that every location is different. Our experts perform a thorough analysis to determine the optimal design and arrangement of your solar panels, taking into account sunlight, shade and other environmental factors.

Maintenance and service

Our involvement does not stop after installation. We provide ongoing monitoring, maintenance and respond quickly to any problems, to ensure that your solar panel system is always performing optimally.

Our qualities

Why Choose Eco Sun Power?

Experience & expertise

Our three associates each bring their own expertise in construction, solar and industry, allowing us to provide a 360° approach to your solar project.

Quality & reliability

We strive for excellence in everything we do. Our high-quality materials from Austria, craftsmanship and attention to detail ensure that your solar panel system will last a long time. We offer a 25 year warranty on our products.

Local knowledge

As an established company in Spain, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the Spanish climate and regulatory environment. Our team is well versed in local regulations and adapts to achieve the best results.


We are determined to contribute to a sustainable future for Spain. By harnessing solar energy, we reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner and climate-friendly environment.


Our European partner Sonnenkraft celebrates its 30th year, the largest supplier of heat and electricity in with over 1million happy customers in Europe. We offer you optimal quality and the best security

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The founders

a complementary team


Tom De Pauw, Bart Beyers & Tom Van Gastel